Once deposited, the rucksack is consumed and the intended resource is added to the base community storage depending on the value of the Rucksack. The Rucksacks must be deposited directly into the Storage facility at the home site or from the storage of the Vehicle parked in the Parking facility. The player can carry 1 rucksack, and may stash multiple in the storage of Vehicles. Resources are found in Rucksacks while looting or sometimes as a reward for helping survivors. There are 6 ways to gather Resources: Looting, Trading, Crafting, Locating, Outposts, and completing Missions. It is advised to keep Resources well stocked and have a steady flow of new resources. They can also be traded or demanded for by Enclaves.

Resources are used daily by your community at Home Sites to keep survivors fed, heal the wounded and create consumables, provide ammunition and siege defence, build facilities and craft items, and to keep vehicles fueled. There are 5 Resources: Food, Meds, Ammo, Materials, and Fuel.